Fundraising Update

Our fundraising was kicked off in 2016 when our founder, Cordelia Asamoah took on an epic challenge to cycle 300 miles over 4 days from London to Paris.

The event, supported by great friends and [ACT Cycling] raised £860 getting us off to a great start.

At the end of 2016, shortly after our fundraising started, a new government was voted into office in Ghana. This heralded a significant and positive change in education for the country and in response to that, we at the CamBotsio Foundation decided to pause our efforts until we had an opportunity to understand the nature of the changes and the resulting impact.

Rolling forward a few months, the main change has been the introduction of the “Secondary Education for All” (SE4A) policy which provides free secondary education for all children in Ghana. This is an amazing change which in time, should have a dramatic effect on the fortunes of many Ghanaian children and which we wholeheartedly applaud. 

Despite the positive changes that will stem from the SE4A policy, we understand that remoteness and the consequences of poverty continues to affect children and young people’s ability to benefit from a good education and this is where we at the CamBotsio Foundation will focus our efforts. By helping young people access resources in a safe and optimum way that ensures they get a good education.

We aim to bridge the gaps in education that Government initiative may not reach to create opportunity and maximise potential for young people.

Other fundraising campaigns are being planned for 2018. In the meantime, your donations and support would be greatly appreciated.

Helps us Bridge the Gaps!